Professor and Department Chair
Fellow, Carolina Population Center
Department of Geography and Environment
CB# 3220, 205 Carolina Hall
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Email: csong at email dot unc dot edu
Tel: 919-843-4764
Fax: 919-962-1537
2001: Ph.D., Geography, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
1991: M.S., Forest Ecology, Beijing Forestry Univ, Beijing, PRC
1988: B.S., Forestry, Anhui Agricultural Univ, Hefei, PRC
1994: Certificate in Education, Capital Normal Univ, Beijing, PRC
2016: Certificate of Training, Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC USA
Professional Experience
2023-Present: Chair, Department of Geography and Environment
2014-present: Professor of Geography and Environment, UNC Chapel Hill
2013-2019: Associate Chair, Department of Geography, UNC Chapel Hill
2007-2014: Associate Professor of Geography, UNC Chapel Hill
2005-2006: Charles Bullard Fellow, Harvard University
2001-2007: Assistant Professor of Geography, UNC Chapel Hill
1993-1995: Lecturer, Beijing Forestry University
1991-1993: Teaching Assistant, Beijing Forestry University